Talk:Adventures in Armenian Cooking

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I am in need of the our Armenian Lamb shank Recipe.

If you can help, please send it to me @

Thank you,

Ed Kalajian

need a recipe for basdekh not the rojig

Hi, I'm looking all over the internet and cookbooks about how to make ""bastekh" that my mom used to make it, it's not the bastekh that are posted on the internet the rojig, my mom passed away, so I want to make it the way she used to make it but I can't, all I remember she used corn starch, sugar, water but how do not remember, after she used to prepare it (after it thickens and little bit darkens the color) she puts them in cups and on top adding some pecans. Please do you know how to make this recipe?

      • reply***

Hello, check out the recipes in the Misc Recipes section here in this Adventures in Armenian Cooking online cookbook. Look at Bastegh, at Grape Juice Pastegh, and the Grape Molasses and Nut Roll (Roejig). None are prepared exactly as you describe but the Grape Juice Pastegh is spread to dry and nuts can be sprinkled on top. Perhaps that recipe would work with the cooked juice mixture put into cups rather than on muslin but would probably take longer to dry.