Still Murder Armenians -nyt19190419

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Armistice Makes No Change in Turk Methods, Says Finley

APRIL 19, 1919

Withdrawal of the American Red Cross from relief work in Aleppo, Aintab Marash, and other countries north of Jerusalem in Asia Minor and its administration by the American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief was announced today by John H. Finley, Commissioner for the Red Cross for Palestine, who has just returned from a trip to the Near East. Five hundred tons of cloth and general supplies, valued at $366,706, which have been in warehouse here awaiting shipment, will be turned over to the American committee by the Red Cross together with considerable equipment now in Syria.

Describing conditions in the Near East, Mr. Finley said: "From the one town of Aintab 30,000 Armenians were driven into the desert to die, and now there are, so far as we can learn, only 4,000 or 5,000 alive. If this proportion holds true throughout, then nearly 650,000 men, women, and children perished in that desert.

"Throughout Asia Minor, beyond the points to which the British and French troops have advanced, the Armenians are still being persecuted by the Turks. The fact that the armistice has been signed makes no difference. In one way or another, by individuals and by groups, Armenians are being killed. I know of one case where 100 Armenians were slaughtered, and another where forty were shot down -- all of this since the armistice was signed."

A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922