Admires Morgenthau Plan -nyt19150915

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But British Authority Says It Could Not Be Carried Out

CHICAGO, Sep. 14.--Dr. S. M. Zwemer of London, editor of the Moslem Review, and recognized as an authority on social and religious conditions in the Orient, is not enthusiastic over the suggestion of Henry Morgentau, to raise a fund varying in dimensions from $1,000,000 to 5,000,000 with which to defray the expense of transporting thousands of Armenians to America to save them from slaughter at the hands of the Turks. Dr. Zwemer has been in the United States for several weeks in behalf of the Arabian mission and left Chicago for New York this afternoon.

"Mr. Morgenthau's plan is a noble one," said Dr. Zwemer today, " but conditions preclude the possibility of its being carried out. The Armenians have maintained their integrity as a nation since 200 A. D., and like the Dutch, is highly patriotic. They would rather suffer massacre and starvation than abandon their land.

"Further, it would be an impossibility to transport women and children through the war zone at the present time. I have absolutely no faith that the Turks would let them go. Although their word may have been given, it would prove the same as that of Germany with Belgium."

A hard copy of this article or hundreds of others from the time of the Armenian Genocide can be found in The Armenian Genocide: News Accounts From The American Press: 1915-1922